Urgent Action, San Antonio Non-Discrimination Ordinance.
Dear Visitor,
We’ve just received word that San Antonio’s proposed non-discrimination ordinance now contains a compromise that would allow for discrimination against the transgender community in accessing public restrooms. This is unacceptable. Access to public accommodations must include the basic ability to use the restroom without harassment. We are poorly served by allies that compromise the basic dignity of trans people for political expediency. Members of city council are meeting with LGBT leaders tomorrow morning. They needs to hear from you TONIGHT. Please sign the petition demanding that the bathroom exemption be removed.
Please sign the petition at https://getequaltx.org/2013/08/tell-san-antonio-lawmakers-to-remove-the-bathroom-exemptions-from-the-non-discrimination-ordinance/ and share it with your friends via social media and email.
Thank you!
The GetEQUAL TX Team.

Tell San Antonio Lawmakers to Remove the bathroom exemptions from the Non-Discrimination Ordinance
Friends, We’ve just received word that San Antonio’s proposed non-discrimination ordinance now contains a compromise that would allow for discrimination against the transgender community in accessing public restrooms. This is unacceptable. Access to public accommodations must include the basic ability to use the restroom without harassment. We are poorly served by allies that compromise the basic dignity of trans people for political expediency. Members of city council are meeting with LGBT leaders tomorrow morning. They need to hear from you NOW! Please sign the petition demanding that the bathroom exemption be removed.
Dear San Antonio Lawmakers,
I recently discovered that exemptions were added to the proposed Non-Discrimination Ordinance that would discriminate against transgender persons in San Antonio. This compromise guts protections for the most vulnerable population protected by this ordinance, in the place they are most vulnerable. Public accommodations must include the basic ability to use the restroom without harassment. Repeatedly those who claim to be our allies have made compromises such as these that cause great harm to the transgender members of our community for political expediency. Remove the bathroom exemptions from the Non-Discrimination Ordinance NOW!!!