Dallas Area Rapid Transit (DART) board meeting

April 10, 2013 · Posted in Events, home · Comments Off 

The Dallas Area Rapid Transit (DART) board has been debating whether or not to extend domestic partner benefits to its employees. They have been putting off any votes on it since last fall. On April 9th 2013, GetEQUAL TX joined others in pressuring the board to move forward.

Day of Decision 2013

April 2, 2013 · Posted in Events, home · Comments Off 

day_of_decision_SMALLOn March 25 – 27, 2013 LGBT  Texans and our many allies stood with hundreds of thousands across the nation on the eve of the Supreme Court hearings for Prop. 8 and DOMA.


As one we called out for equality!

As one we stood on the side of LOVE!

As one we entrusted our nation’s highest court with the civil rights of millions of Americans!

Now we await their decision.

Join us on the day the high court issues their rulings on marriage equality! We will gather again in jubilant celebration of a historic victory for the LGBT rights movement or fierce protest if the justices refuse to extend equality!

Wear RED as a symbol of your support for marriage equality!

Bring signs, candles, flags, drums, noise makers!

Weather victory or defeat- we will be there to light the way to justice once again!

To receive details for an event in your area and to be notified when a decision is issued, use the form below.

Texas – Light The Way To Justice

March 27, 2013 · Posted in Events, home, Uncategorized · Comments Off 

LGBTmarriageOn March 25th and 26th, thousands of Texans gathered throughout the state, in their local communities, to rally for marriage equality. These are the stories of history in the making!

Stay tuned to this page, we are adding media as it is found.


Waking Up Fort Worth – Light The Way To Justice

March 14, 2013 · Posted in Events, home · Comments Off 


As the U.S. Supreme Court hears the Prop 8 & DOMA cases, the rest of America will come out to rally in their towns and light the way to justice. http://lighttojustice.org/

Living with out equal rights?
Tired of being treated like a second class citizen?
How long does it take to wake up from this marginalization and take your place in our city and nation as equals??

WAKE UP Fort Worth at 6am-noon and let your voice be heard.


Tarrant County College G.S.A. “TREE” & GetEqualTx present

“Light the Way to Justice Rally” for Fort Worth

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable Rights that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of happiness.” – The Declaration of Independence, July 4, 1776
Homosexuals are not given equal treatment of our laws. As of today, same-sex couples are denied 1,138 benefits, rights, and protections that are afforded to heterosexual couples in the United States. There is no equality.

On Tuesday, March 26, the Supreme Court of the United States will hear the case of Hollingsworth v. Perry, a lawsuit challenging the constitutionality of Proposition 8, California’s ban on same-sex marriage. On Wednesday, March 27, the Supreme Court will hear the case of Winsor v. United States. This lawsuit challenges the constitutionality of the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) which defines marriage as a legal union between one man and one woman, and defines a spouse a person of the opposite sex who is a husband or wife. These cases are historical as they have the potential to pave the way for marriage equality nationwide, finally allowing same-sex couples to marry and be afforded the same 1,138 rights that are afforded to other married American couples.

Equality advocates nationwide will engage in demonstrations. We challenge all people of Fort Worth to WAKE- UP from their abusive of maginalization and to WAKE UP from being treated like a second-class-citizen because you are homosexual, and join us in “modest pajamas” for equality served up with coffee and donuts at 6am-noon on Monday, March 25th.

The following speakers and more will speak at 10:00am:, Major Mark Jiminez-Dallas marriage license dissident, C.D. Kirvin-Dallas Voice Person of the Year. TREE in conjunction with GET EQUAL TX will be holding a rally for Fort Worth to WAKE UP! That evening, many attendees will migrate to Dallas to join the rest of the North Texas LGBTQ community and add their voices to the multitudes across this country as they cry out for equality.

Light the Way to Justice – Fort Worth
Monday, March 25, 6:00AM-Noon
Rainbow Lounge parking lot
651 S Jennings Ave
Fort Worth, TX 76104

GSA=Gay Straight Alliance School Club

T.C.C.=Tarrant County College/ TR=Trinity River Campus located in downtown Fort Worth

Get Equal TX= GetequalTx.org is our partner empowering us with valuable tools and consult necessary to pull this off.

TREE= a TCC GSA is Trinity River Equality In Education a Tarrant County College/Trinity River campus student organization in downtown Fort Worth

Marriage Equality Forum – Light The Way To Justice Waco

March 14, 2013 · Posted in Events · 1 Comment 

LTJFWThe Social Action Team of the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Waco will be hosting a Marriage Equality Forum on Monday March 25th at 6:30pm.

Our speakers include David Schleicher, who will speak for a few minutes on the disparity in civil rights for same sex vs opposite sex couple.

We will then have several couples speak about their civil unions/marriage: Jim and Ramona McKeown, Curtis Cannon and Dave Verdery, and Lee and Marty van Wagner.

The spokesperson for UUFW is Bruce Allen, board president.

Our focus will be on highlighting what unites people as families and the similarities in daily experiences of all couples. We will discuss the many hoops that gay and lesbian partners have to jump through and the civil benefits they do not share with heterosexual couples.

For more information, please contact Carmen Saenz


“Light The Way To Justice” San Antonio UNITED for EQUALITY

March 14, 2013 · Posted in Events, San Antonio Area · 1 Comment 


VIA the Facebook event page: “As the supreme court hears two important marriage cases equality organizers are organizing either a rally, march, vigil, or workshops all around the nation in support of both of these cases being stated unconstitutional.Now is the time to take action and to gather as much support as we can so that we can ALL send a message to the Supreme Court that we are serious about these two marriage cases to be repealed! Join all of South Texas as we show that we are demanding full equality for ALL human beings for all matters governed by state and federal laws!We will be meeting at Milam Park located on 500 W. Commerce St. It’s intersected by Santa Rosa Street and we will proceed to the Bexar County Courthouse on 100 Dolorosa St.We are meeting at 7:30 p.m. at Milam Park and we encourage y’all to bring candles, glow sticks, pride flags, signs and comfortable shoes to walk in.If you aren’t able to attend there are many things that you can do instead:Share/Like/Tweet #lighttojusticeSA to your family and friends so that they might be able to stay updated or join us.Call or write a letter to Anchia, Coleman, and Burnam and thank them for supporting us by filing bills that are in favor of the Freedom to Marry. They’ve done so much for the community that they deserve recognition along with the other bills that are filed from great reps and senators that are in our favor.

Tell your friends about the Light the way to justice events happening around the U.S and get involve in the peace making with the community on why equality is important!

“Hope is never silent” -Harvey Milk

Lets make this last week of March memorable and know that we all including all races, sexes, genders, sexual orientations, disabilities, veteran statuses, religions to name a few that we are all in this fight together and we will keep on fighting until we WIN EQUALITY!”

Facebook Event Page:

Light The Way To Justice – Dallas Says “WE DO!”

March 7, 2013 · Posted in Events · 3 Comments 

373032_318961941557976_242948283_nThe US Supreme Court is set to hear oral arguments in the two marriage equality cases on March 26 and 27. Equality advocates nationwide will engage in demonstrations at sunset on Monday, March 25th.

Now is the time, once again, to recognize the unique moment before us and to act with the greatest power and intelligence possible.

Join the North Texas LGBT Community as we add our voices to the millions raised across our nation calling for full equality in all matters governed by civil law FOR ALL PEOPLE!

We will gather at 7pm, Monday, March 25th, 2013 in Dallas at the Legacy of Love Monument (Frank H. Caven Memorial Garden) located at the intersection of Cedar Springs and Oaklawn Ave to peacefully rally our support for these crucial cases!

Please bring signs in support of equal rights, pride flags, candles and plenty of friends!

Not able to attend? There is plenty that you CAN do!

-Like, share, post and retweet images and infographics you will see designed to gain broad support for the cases. Post your support for marriage equality in the week leading up to the court cases. Remember that positive portrayals of LGBT Americans go a lot farther and are more effective than efforts to tear down our opponents.

-Visit the editorial boards of your local newspapers and request editorials in support of equality to run during the last week of March. Submit letters to the editor in support of marriage equality.

-Reach out to our many allies within faith communities and organize inter-faith events on Saturday and Sunday, March 23 and 24.

-Speak to the larger issue of equality, not limited to marriage. We seek equal protection under the law, in all matters governed by civil law, in all fifty states.

-Organize peaceful demonstrations for LGBT equality in every city and town across our country at sunset on Monday, March 25 – the anniversary of the Selma march – to put action to the President’s words:

“We, the people, declare today that the most evident of truths — that all of us are created equal — is the star that guides us still; just as it guided our forebears.”

Let the last week of March 2013 be remembered as a time when all of us contributed: LGBT and straight, young and old, Stonewall Democrats and Log Cabin Republicans, socialists and libertarians, people from cities and rural communities, the Human Rights Campaign and GetEqual, equality supporters of all races, faiths and backgrounds. Regardless of our differences, let us come together once again in a united call for equality, community and justice.

Let us remember what Dr. King proclaimed in Montgomery, almost half a century ago: “How long? Not long, because the arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends towards justice.”


Facebook Event Page:

Texas Flood The Capitol For Marriage Equality Day – Light The Way To Justice

March 7, 2013 · Posted in Events · Comments Off 


On March 25-27 “Light the Way to Justice” actions will be happening nationwide as the Supreme Court begins hearing the Prop 8 and DOMA cases.Join us as we flood the Capitol and tell our lawmakers that we demand to be fully equal under the law. A brief training will be provided beforehand.Bring yourselves! Bring friends! Bring family!



Facebook Event Page:

Texas Call to Action for LGBT Workplace Protections

March 7, 2013 · Posted in Events · 1 Comment 
JOIN US AS WE DEMAND WORKPLACE PROTECTIONSTexas is one of 29 states in which it is legal to fire, refuse to hire, or refuse to promote an employee solely due to one’s sexual orientation.Texas is one of 34 states in which it is legal to fire, refuse to hire, or refuse to promote an employee solely due to one’s gender identity or expression.

This session, there are 2 identical bills in the House and 1 in the Senate that, if passed, will make workplace protections a reality for LGBT Texans.

We will meet near the South Capitol gate and proceed to walk all the way around our state Capitol multiple times holding a giant banner that reads “STOP WORKPLACE DISCRIMINATION – PASS SB 237 NOW”

Bring yourself
Bring friends
Bring rainbow flags, transgender flags, bisexual flags

Let’s show our lawmakers that we will not stop until we are fully equal under the law!

Facebook Event Page:

Texas March for LGBT Justice

March 7, 2013 · Posted in Events · 2 Comments 

fistupIt’s that time again!

The Texas Legislature only meets on odd numbered years for 140 days. This year there are several bills on the table that will greatly impact the lives of LGBT Texans in employment, marriage, supplemental birth certificates for adopted children, health insurance and more. Our representatives need to know that we will not disappear or remain silent as long as there is work to be done! Join us as we peacefully march to our state Capitol to demand full equality for LGBT Texans!

The March is held on Sunday, March 10th beginning at 5:30 PM at Austin City Hall. We will march from there to the State Capitol for a Rally.

ASL and Spanish translators will be translating throughout this event!

Join and share the event on facebook at 
The following day, March 11th, our friends at Equality Texas are holding Lobby Day. This is an opportunity for you to speak directly to your lawmakers about issues that are important to you. Come to our march and then stay for Lobby Day! Find out more about Lobby Day at http://www.equalitytexas.org/


Austin, TX – March 10th 2013
