Help Patrick Get to United We Dream Congress

February 8, 2014 · Posted in Uncategorized · 2 Comments 

patrick_smallHello friends.
My name is Patrick M. Fierro and I was raised in El Paso, TX. Growing up, my family was always aware of the police and immigration. We lived in fear of them because my father was undocumented. Unfortunately, our biggest fear became a reality when my father was arrested, over criminalized, and given a harsh sentence to set an example because of his immigration status. He was detained for several years and eventually deported. Our family was torn apart.

Without my father, we fell on difficult financial times. Both my mother and I had to hold two jobs in order to make ends meet. We found it difficult to celebrate birthdays, holidays, and life events knowing that my father could not celebrate with us. Sadly, all too many people have similar experiences.I am working with activist all over the country to change that.

This is why I want to be active in the immigrant rights movement and to help GetEQUAL, a national LGBT social justice organization, to fight with my LGBT brothers and sisters living in fear of deportation.

Help me get to The United We Dream Congress 2014 in Phoenix on February 21- February 23. I’ll be able to learn new skills and strategies from more experienced activists and organizers to use in my community. I’m trying to raise $160 to pay for my flight, anything you can give will help get me closer to going. Can you help me get there by donating what you can? Just click the “donate” button below. Thank you so much in advance!

Con Amor,
Patrick M. Fierro

Protest Macy’s with N.O.W

November 28, 2013 · Posted in Newsletters · Comments Off 

Dear Visitor,

GetEQUAL Texas will stand with Texas women and asks you to support the National Organization of Women in their protest of Macy's over EQUAL pay for women in Texas during this, so called, "Black Friday".

Macy's among other lobbyist groups urged Rick Perry to veto House Bill 950 this past June, which he did. This bill would have empowered Texas women to make actionable claims in the district court's, increasing access to justice for women who face discrimination.
We urge you to stand with us as we stand with the women of Texas.



N.O.W. to protest Macy’s over Equal Pay in Texas


Who: San Antonio Area National Organization for Women


What: National Organization for Women will protest Macy for lobbying against equal pay for equal work in Texas.

When: Friday November 29, 2013 at 8:30 a.m.


Where: Macy’s at North Star Mall – 7400 San Pedro Ave. #200, San Antonio, TX 78216


Women still make 77 cents on the dollar to a man–a number that drops to 62 cents on the dollar for African American women. More than 40% of families currently have women as the primary breadwinner, which means this issue affects entire families. San Antonio Area NOW is calling for a boycott of the retailer and staging a protest on Black Friday.


For more information about the event and the location, please contact Joyce Townsend at or. For more information on the National Organization for Women, please visit

Tell Gov Perry and Major General John Nichols to protect ALL military spouses!

September 5, 2013 · Posted in Action Alert · Comments Off 

Perry September 3rd marked the first day that members of the military who are in same-sex marriages were allowed to file for the same benefits that opposite-sex married couples could. Some of these benefits involve hardship pay when a soldier is called to duty overseas, use of various facilities on a military installation, medical, and dental benefits (to name a few).

The order was passed down from the pentagon last month. While Texas National guard soldiers are legally allowed and deserving of these benefits, Major General John Nichols, who is the commander of the Texas Military Forces, has defied the Pentagon and is refusing to allow members of State Militias (such as the National Guard) the ability to file at their local posts. His reasoning is that Texas has a ban on same-sex marriages. He has said that he will not stop these members from going to a federal military post, such as Fort Hood.

Governor Rick Perry has defended this decision for the same reason.

We believe that this action by the highest military official in our state and by our governor are contrary to the spirit and values of Texas and of our country. This causes some couples to have to travel hours away from their own cities in order to file for something that is their legal right to file when they should not have to. This seems like a last ditch effort of Perry and Nichols to ensure that Texans know that they don’t want equality in Texas, an opinion that is fast shrinking throughout the citizenry of our sate.

We need you to help send a clear message to our governor and to the Major General that this discrimination is not welcome in our state. Please sign and share the petition demanding that they allow our soldiers access to the benefits that they deserve!

Tell Gov Perry and Major General John Nichols to protect ALL military spouses!

77 signatures

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Urgent Action, San Antonio Non-Discrimination Ordinance.

August 28, 2013 · Posted in Newsletters, San Antonio Area · Comments Off 

Dear Visitor,

We’ve just received word that San Antonio’s proposed non-discrimination ordinance now contains a compromise that would allow for discrimination against the transgender community in accessing public restrooms. This is unacceptable. Access to public accommodations must include the basic ability to use the restroom without harassment. We are poorly served by allies that compromise the basic dignity of trans people for political expediency. Members of city council are meeting with LGBT leaders tomorrow morning. They needs to hear from you TONIGHT. Please sign the petition demanding that the bathroom exemption be removed.

Please sign the petition at and share it with your friends via social media and email.

Thank you!

The GetEQUAL TX Team.


Tell San Antonio Lawmakers to Remove the bathroom exemptions from the Non-Discrimination Ordinance

August 28, 2013 · Posted in Action Alert, San Antonio Area · Comments Off 

Friends, We’ve just received word that San Antonio’s proposed non-discrimination ordinance now contains a compromise that would allow for discrimination against the transgender community in accessing public restrooms. This is unacceptable. Access to public accommodations must include the basic ability to use the restroom without harassment. We are poorly served by allies that compromise the basic dignity of trans people for political expediency. Members of city council are meeting with LGBT leaders tomorrow morning. They need to hear from you NOW! Please sign the petition demanding that the bathroom exemption be removed.

Dear San Antonio Lawmakers,

I recently discovered that exemptions were added to the proposed Non-Discrimination Ordinance that would discriminate against transgender persons in San Antonio.  This compromise guts protections for the most vulnerable population protected by this ordinance, in the place they are most vulnerable. Public accommodations must include the basic ability to use the restroom without harassment.  Repeatedly those who claim to be our allies have made compromises such as these that cause great harm to the transgender members of our community for political expediency.  Remove the bathroom exemptions from the Non-Discrimination Ordinance NOW!!!

Tell San Antonio Lawmakers to Remove the bathroom exemptions from the Non-Discrimination Ordinance

339 signatures

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urgent action: The Fair Employment Act

April 30, 2013 · Posted in Newsletters · Comments Off 

Dear Visitor,

as you may already know, the Texas legislature meets for only 140 days on odd numbered years. There are only 26 days left in this session which means, there are 26 days to get pro-LGBT legislation passed. While that may not seem like a lot of time, there is still a lot of business that can be done.

Texas is one of the many states where it is still perfectly legal (and common practice) to fire someone, refuse to hire someone, or deny someone an otherwise deserved promotion based solely on their sexual orientation, gender identity, or gender expression. We have a good chance to change that this session with “The Fair Employment Act” (SB 237).

We are certain that we can secure job protections but we need your help in doing so. There are three things that you can do to ensure that this bill passes and if you do all three, the chances of passing this bill are even greater. They are outlined in the following link which you can also use to share with your friends so that they can help make job protections in Texas a reality! 

Please visit to take action!

If you are a twitter user, please be sure to check out the #SB237NOW hashtag over the next few days to see how others are getting involved!

Yours in equality! 
The GetEQUAL TX Team



GetEQUAL Texas is a state-based chapter of GetEQUAL, based in Texas and fighting for full equality for LGBT Texans. You can follow GetEQUAL Texas on Facebook at  or on Twitter at .

Founded in 2010, GetEQUAL is a national grassroots organization whose mission is to empower the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) community and our allies to take bold action to demand full legal and social equality, and to hold accountable those who stand in the way. For more information go to You can also follow GetEQUAL on Facebook at  or on Twitter at .

urgent action: The Fair Employment Act

April 30, 2013 · Posted in Action Alert · Comments Off 

actionalertDear friends,

as you may already know, the Texas legislature meets for only 140 days on odd numbered years. There are only 26 days left in this session which means, there are 26 days to get pro-LGBT legislation passed. While that may not seem like a lot of time, there is still a lot of business that can be done.

Texas is one of the many states where it is still perfectly legal (and common practice) to fire someone, refuse to hire someone, or deny someone an otherwise deserved promotion based solely on their sexual orientation, gender identity, or gender expression. We have a good chance to change that this session with “The Fair Employment Act” (SB 237).

We are certain that we can secure job protections but we need your help in doing so. There are three things that you can do to ensure that this bill passes and if you do all three, the chances of passing this bill are even greater.


Share this page and this information with all of your friends so that they can help make this happen.

Action item 1:
The bill is currently held up in the Committee on Economic Development. We have 3 of the four “yes” votes required to get it out of committee. We need to convince at least one of the remaining four to vote yes and to get it out of committee as soon as possible.
Whether you’ve called before or not, please make the call to the following senators urging them to vote yes on SB 237.

Action Item 2: 
Brave activists will be engaging in non-violent civil disobedient action which could lead to arrest. We will need your help for legal fees and bail. Please consider donating what you can at

Action Item 3:
Sign the petition urging these senators to vote this out of committee. This petition will email the four senators directly.

Vote SB 237 Out of commitee

361 signatures

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Texas Fair Employment Act

April 16, 2013 · Posted in no show · Comments Off 

Dear Visitor,

First, let me thank you for all of the amazing work that you have been doing. Because of you, this session has seen an unprecedented number of pro-LGBT legislation being filed in the Texas legislature. 

I believe, wholeheartedly, that this is all happening because of the amazing time and effort that we have all put into the fight for equality together. Whether you are transgender, bisexual, lesbian, gay, or an ally to the community, you have let your voice be heard so loudly that they could not help but listen. 

There are now only 41 days left in this legislative session and the next session isn't until 2015. This means, we have 41 days to make history again. 

Here are the facts: 

- An estimated 431,000 members of the Texas workforce identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender.

- 26% of transgender Texans report being fired solely based on their gender identity.

- 12% of lesbian and gay Texans report being fired because of their sexual orientation.

- 37% of gay and lesbian Texans report being harassed at work due to their sexual orientation.

For members of the LGBT community, these statistics are more than just numbers, these statistics represent our lives. They are the very reason that many of us spend our work experience hidden in closets, changing pronouns in conversation, and generally looking over our shoulder hoping that nobody finds out our secrets lest our secret drive us to joblessness in a time when jobs are scarce. This is why we need your help to secure job protections. 

Earlier this session, Sen. Leticia Van De Putte of San Antonio filed SB 237 entitled "The Fair Employment Act". This bill would make it against the law to fire, refuse to hire, refuse to promote, or otherwise discriminate against someone solely on the basis of their sexual orientation, gender identity, or gender expression. 

This bill is currently held up in the Committee on Economic Development with only 2 (of the required 4) guaranteed votes. Those voting "yes" on this bill are both co-authors, Sen. Wendy Davis and Sen. Kirk Watson. 

You can help ensure that this bill passes by signing the petition urging the remaining 5 senators to co-author and vote for the bill. That petition can be found at Also, ensure that you share this petition with all of your friends so that they can sign it!

You will also find the phone numbers for those senators. Once you sign the petition (which is emailed directly to them upon submit) feel free to call each of them, every day if you wish, to remind them of the need for this bill. Each call averages 2 minutes. 

If the committee continues to stall we will be forced to engage in direct, non-violent civil disobedient, action. Plans for these high profile and high risk action are already in the works and we do need some monetary help for supplies and possibly bail. Please consider a donation to help offset these costs at

Thank you so much for your continued dedication to the push for equality! 


GetEQUAL Texas is a state-based chapter of GetEQUAL, based in Texas and fighting for full equality for LGBT Texans. You can follow GetEQUAL Texas on Facebook at  or on Twitter at .

Michael Diviesti
Texas State Lead |
Founded in 2010, GetEQUAL is a national grassroots organization whose mission is to empower the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) community and our allies to take bold action to demand full legal and social equality, and to hold accountable those who stand in the way. For more information go to You can also follow GetEQUAL on Facebook at  or on Twitter at .

We need LGBT Workplace protection

April 16, 2013 · Posted in Action Alert · Comments Off 

actionalertAs of this writing, there are only 41 more days left in the Texas Legislative Session of 2013. That’s not a lot of time to get the “fair employment act” (SB 237) through to becoming law but, we’ve done a lot more in a lot less time so this is certainly something that we can win.

In order to win, we will need your help to do so!

Employment Discrimination Statistics:

- An estimated 431,000 members of the Texas workforce identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender.
- 26% of transgender Texans report being fired solely based on their gender identity.
- 12% of lesbian and gay Texans report being fired because of their sexual orientation.
- 37% of gay and lesbian Texans report being harassed at work due to their sexual orientation .

We can and we must work together to change this. Please, sign the petition below urging the senate committee on economic development to move forward with this bill.
In addition, call the committee members every day to remind them that this issue is urgent and that we need our job protections!

These are the Senators that are currently voting “no” on the bill. This petition will be emailed directly to them. It will also help tremendously if you call each of them once a day to re-iterate the need for this bill to pass.

Sen. Bob Deuell – Chair


Birdwell Sen. Brian Birdwell


Hancock Sen. Kelly Hancock
(R-N.Richland Hills)


Fraser Sen. Troy Fraser
(R-Horseshoe Bay)


Lastly: In order to ensure that this bill passes, we will be engaging in non-violent civil disobedient action which holds a high risk for arrest. Please consider donating so that the activists engaged in these actions will be able to bailed out of jail quickly and get home to their families.

Vote SB 237 Out of commitee

361 signatures

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It is a matter of urgency that the Senate Committee on Economic Development vote and pass Senate Bill 237 “The Fair Employment Act”.

Currently, it is legal in Texas to fire, refuse to hire, refuse to promote, or otherwise discriminate against someone solely based on their sexual orientation or gender identity.

“My government’s duty is to protect me, and preserve my rights, and secure this nation” ~ Sen. Brian Birdwell
If you agree with this statement, as I do, then I know that a bill that was designed to do just that, would be something that you would be championing.

The facts are as follows:
- An estimated 431,000 members of the Texas workforce identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender.
- 26% of transgender Texans report being fired solely based on their gender identity.
- 12% of lesbian and gay Texans report being fired because of their sexual orientation.
- 37% of gay and lesbian Texans report being harassed at work due to their sexual orientation.

Senate Bill 237 would do a great deal to help those Texans who are effected by the lack of protection provided in our law by giving the Texas Workforce Commission the ability to file and investigate discrimination claims based on sexual orientation and gender identity.

You have within your power to help fix the problem and I am simply asking you to use it by doing the following:
- sign on as co-author to the bill
- urge the committee to take a vote and get this bill to the senate floor

Thank you for your time and service to the state of Texas and thank you, in advance, for your support of this bill.

Dallas Area Rapid Transit (DART) board meeting

April 10, 2013 · Posted in Events, home · Comments Off 

The Dallas Area Rapid Transit (DART) board has been debating whether or not to extend domestic partner benefits to its employees. They have been putting off any votes on it since last fall. On April 9th 2013, GetEQUAL TX joined others in pressuring the board to move forward.

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