Protest Macy’s with N.O.W

November 28, 2013 · Posted in Newsletters · Comments Off 

Dear Visitor,

GetEQUAL Texas will stand with Texas women and asks you to support the National Organization of Women in their protest of Macy's over EQUAL pay for women in Texas during this, so called, "Black Friday".

Macy's among other lobbyist groups urged Rick Perry to veto House Bill 950 this past June, which he did. This bill would have empowered Texas women to make actionable claims in the district court's, increasing access to justice for women who face discrimination.
We urge you to stand with us as we stand with the women of Texas.



N.O.W. to protest Macy’s over Equal Pay in Texas


Who: San Antonio Area National Organization for Women


What: National Organization for Women will protest Macy for lobbying against equal pay for equal work in Texas.

When: Friday November 29, 2013 at 8:30 a.m.


Where: Macy’s at North Star Mall – 7400 San Pedro Ave. #200, San Antonio, TX 78216


Women still make 77 cents on the dollar to a man–a number that drops to 62 cents on the dollar for African American women. More than 40% of families currently have women as the primary breadwinner, which means this issue affects entire families. San Antonio Area NOW is calling for a boycott of the retailer and staging a protest on Black Friday.


For more information about the event and the location, please contact Joyce Townsend at or. For more information on the National Organization for Women, please visit

Urgent Action, San Antonio Non-Discrimination Ordinance.

August 28, 2013 · Posted in Newsletters, San Antonio Area · Comments Off 

Dear Visitor,

We’ve just received word that San Antonio’s proposed non-discrimination ordinance now contains a compromise that would allow for discrimination against the transgender community in accessing public restrooms. This is unacceptable. Access to public accommodations must include the basic ability to use the restroom without harassment. We are poorly served by allies that compromise the basic dignity of trans people for political expediency. Members of city council are meeting with LGBT leaders tomorrow morning. They needs to hear from you TONIGHT. Please sign the petition demanding that the bathroom exemption be removed.

Please sign the petition at and share it with your friends via social media and email.

Thank you!

The GetEQUAL TX Team.


urgent action: The Fair Employment Act

April 30, 2013 · Posted in Newsletters · Comments Off 

Dear Visitor,

as you may already know, the Texas legislature meets for only 140 days on odd numbered years. There are only 26 days left in this session which means, there are 26 days to get pro-LGBT legislation passed. While that may not seem like a lot of time, there is still a lot of business that can be done.

Texas is one of the many states where it is still perfectly legal (and common practice) to fire someone, refuse to hire someone, or deny someone an otherwise deserved promotion based solely on their sexual orientation, gender identity, or gender expression. We have a good chance to change that this session with “The Fair Employment Act” (SB 237).

We are certain that we can secure job protections but we need your help in doing so. There are three things that you can do to ensure that this bill passes and if you do all three, the chances of passing this bill are even greater. They are outlined in the following link which you can also use to share with your friends so that they can help make job protections in Texas a reality! 

Please visit to take action!

If you are a twitter user, please be sure to check out the #SB237NOW hashtag over the next few days to see how others are getting involved!

Yours in equality! 
The GetEQUAL TX Team



GetEQUAL Texas is a state-based chapter of GetEQUAL, based in Texas and fighting for full equality for LGBT Texans. You can follow GetEQUAL Texas on Facebook at  or on Twitter at .

Founded in 2010, GetEQUAL is a national grassroots organization whose mission is to empower the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) community and our allies to take bold action to demand full legal and social equality, and to hold accountable those who stand in the way. For more information go to You can also follow GetEQUAL on Facebook at  or on Twitter at .

GetEQUAL TX, Open Conference Call

April 4, 2013 · Posted in Newsletters · Comments Off 

Dear Visitor,

first I would like to apologize for not having responded to you directly and right away. As you are probably well aware, we are all volunteers which means we are balancing activism with jobs, school, and life in general. 

It has been really busy in Texas over the past few months with our legislature in session and, I've been meaning to get in contact with everyone who has filled out the form.

Due to the overwhelming response to the call to join the movement, and the inability to get with everyone one on one in an efficient way, I would like to invite you to join us on a conference call. There, we will be discussing what GetEQUAL TX is all about. 

The call will begin on Monday, April 8th at 8PM

You can join that call at the following website 

Please note that, if you create a free account with calliflower, you will be able to log in and interact via the chat application as well. Some people like using the chat area if they have quick questions or comments but do not want to interrupt the current conversation.

This will be a great opportunity to learn more about who we are, what we do, and how you can use your talents to organize locally. 

Do not worry, if you are unable to make this call, you and I can still have a one on one conversation and get you plugged into what we are doing. 

This call will be mostly for informational purposes. We will be having a second call next week which will serve as an organizing call. The structure of that call will be very different and geared toward what is going on currently in the state and working out some details regarding actions. You are invited to join that call as well once we work out the time. 

Thanks for your continued work for equality!





GetEQUAL Texas is a state-based chapter of GetEQUAL, based in Texas and fighting for full equality for LGBT Texans. You can follow GetEQUAL Texas on Facebook at  or on Twitter at .

Michael Diviesti
Texas State Lead |

Founded in 2010, GetEQUAL is a national grassroots organization whose mission is to empower the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) community and our allies to take bold action to demand full legal and social equality, and to hold accountable those who stand in the way. For more information go to You can also follow GetEQUAL on Facebook at  or on Twitter at .


GetEQUAL TX, Open Conference Call

April 4, 2013 · Posted in Newsletters · Comments Off 
conferencecallAs you are probably well aware, we are all volunteers which means we are balancing activism with jobs, school, and life in general. 

It has been really busy in Texas over the past few months with our legislature in session and, I've been meaning to get in contact with everyone who has filled out the form.

Due to the overwhelming response to the call to join the movement, and the inability to get with everyone one on one in an efficient way, I would like to invite you to join us on a conference call. There, we will be discussing what GetEQUAL TX is all about. 

The call will begin on Monday, April 8th at 8PM

You can join that call at the following website 

Please note that, if you create a free account with calliflower, you will be able to log in and interact via the chat application as well. Some people like using the chat area if they have quick questions or comments but do not want to interrupt the current conversation.

This will be a great opportunity to learn more about who we are, what we do, and how you can use your talents to organize locally. 

Do not worry, if you are unable to make this call, you and I can still have a one on one conversation and get you plugged into what we are doing. 

This call will be mostly for informational purposes. We will be having a second call next week which will serve as an organizing call. The structure of that call will be very different and geared toward what is going on currently in the state and working out some details regarding actions. You are invited to join that call as well once we work out the time. 

Thanks for your continued work for equality!




San Antonio Planning Meeting – Demand Passage of Human Rights Ordinance!

March 31, 2013 · Posted in Newsletters, San Antonio Area · Comments Off 

GetEQUAL TX invites you to join the Community Alliance for a United San Antonio (CAUSA) at a strategy meeting next Tuesday, April 2, from 6:00 pm to 8:30 pm at the Esperanza Center, 922 San Pedro (upstairs space). There will be sandwiches, snacks, sodas and water available at the meeting.

As you probably know, San Antonio is the 7th largest city in the country and, yet, it is the only major city in Texas and in the nation that does not provide non-discrimination protections for LGBT people in its municipal code.  CAUSA was formed in June of 2011 by a small group of activists to develop a strategy for amending San Antonio’s current non-discrimination ordinances to include sexual orientation, gender identity and gender expression in city employment, public accommodations, housing, city contractors and appointments to boards and commissions.

Shortly after CAUSA began meeting, organizers learned of a “surprise announcement” that the mayor and city manager wanted to include domestic partner benefits in the city budget. CAUSA switched gears to rally support from the community for that initiative and domestic partner benefits were successfully adopted in September, 2011.

CAUSA then refocused on its original goal, to amend the non-discrimination ordinances that exist within the city code to be inclusive of LGBT people. Organizers for CAUSA met with the mayor and City Council Member Diego Bernal, both of whom seemed supportive and dare we say excited to make this great change for the city; however, neither Mayor Castro nor Councilman Bernal, both of whom relied heavily on the LGBT community for donations and support during their elections, have pushed hard enough and the amendments were never placed on the Council agenda. Even after Mayor Castro and Councilman Bernal were presented with a scientific poll showing strong support for this ordinance among a cross-section of San Antonio voters, they continue to fail to take action or give any indication as to when this will be brought before Council.

CAUSA has now expanded its focus and is advocating for a fully-inclusive, citywide Human Rights Ordinance that includes a Human Rights Commission or similar entity to receive and adjudicate claims of arbitrary discrimination brought on the basis of race, color, age, religion, disability, gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation, veteran’s status, etc. using the current policies and ordinances of Ft. Worth, Dallas and Austin as a springboard.

We cannot stop simply because “our friends” in power seem disinterested, or worse, indifferent, to discrimination.  It is time to develop a plan of action to see that the City of San Antonio provides a recourse for its citizens and visitors when the heavy hand of discrimination strikes.  It is time to GetEQUAL!

Jay Morris

PS: Parking is difficult around the Esperanza Center, so the best place to park is in the parking lot directly south of the Esperanza Building at 920 San Pedro. The meeting starts at 6 pm, but please arrive early to get a parking space and something to eat.

Please RSVP at this link:



GetEQUAL Texas is a state-based chapter of GetEQUAL, based in Texas and fighting for full equality for LGBT Texans. You can follow GetEQUAL Texas on Facebook at  or on Twitter at .


San Antonio Planning Meeting – Demand Passage of Human Rights Ordinance!

March 31, 2013 · Posted in Newsletters, San Antonio Area · Comments Off 

GetEQUAL TX invites you to join the Community Alliance for a United San Antonio (CAUSA) at a strategy meeting next Tuesday, April 2, from 6:00 pm to 8:30 pm at the Esperanza Center, 922 San Pedro (upstairs space). There will be sandwiches, snacks, sodas and water available at the meeting.

As you probably know, San Antonio is the 7th largest city in the country and, yet, it is the only major city in Texas and in the nation that does not provide non-discrimination protections for LGBT people in its municipal code.  CAUSA was formed in June of 2011 by a small group of activists to develop a strategy for amending San Antonio’s current non-discrimination ordinances to include sexual orientation, gender identity and gender expression in city employment, public accommodations, housing, city contractors and appointments to boards and commissions.

Shortly after CAUSA began meeting, organizers learned of a “surprise announcement” that the mayor and city manager wanted to include domestic partner benefits in the city budget. CAUSA switched gears to rally support from the community for that initiative and domestic partner benefits were successfully adopted in September, 2011.

CAUSA then refocused on its original goal, to amend the non-discrimination ordinances that exist within the city code to be inclusive of LGBT people. Organizers for CAUSA met with the mayor and City Council Member Diego Bernal, both of whom seemed supportive and dare we say excited to make this great change for the city; however, neither Mayor Castro nor Councilman Bernal, both of whom relied heavily on the LGBT community for donations and support during their elections, have pushed hard enough and the amendments were never placed on the Council agenda. Even after Mayor Castro and Councilman Bernal were presented with a scientific poll showing strong support for this ordinance among a cross-section of San Antonio voters, they continue to fail to take action or give any indication as to when this will be brought before Council.

CAUSA has now expanded its focus and is advocating for a fully-inclusive, citywide Human Rights Ordinance that includes a Human Rights Commission or similar entity to receive and adjudicate claims of arbitrary discrimination brought on the basis of race, color, age, religion, disability, gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation, veteran’s status, etc. using the current policies and ordinances of Ft. Worth, Dallas and Austin as a springboard.

We cannot stop simply because “our friends” in power seem disinterested, or worse, indifferent, to discrimination.  It is time to develop a plan of action to see that the City of San Antonio provides a recourse for its citizens and visitors when the heavy hand of discrimination strikes.  It is time to GetEQUAL!

Jay Morris

PS: Parking is difficult around the Esperanza Center, so the best place to park is in the parking lot directly south of the Esperanza Building at 920 San Pedro. The meeting starts at 6 pm, but please arrive early to get a parking space and something to eat.

Please RSVP at this link:



GetEQUAL Texas is a state-based chapter of GetEQUAL, based in Texas and fighting for full equality for LGBT Texans. You can follow GetEQUAL Texas on Facebook at  or on Twitter at .


Texans Urge Perry to support LGBT Equality!

March 29, 2013 · Posted in Newsletters · Comments Off 

On March 26, 2013, Texas Governor Rick Perry attended a rally at the Capitol for “Faith and Families”. While it would seem that “Faith and Families” are true Texas values, the underlying issue is that both Perry and the attendees of this rally only believe that one specific faith and specific family construct are valid.

Perry gave a speech at the rally in which he said, "the people of the state of Texas, myself included, believe that marriage is between one man and one woman"

We believe that the governor is also a citizen and entitled to hold and express his own opinion however, he is not entitled to make up his own facts. 

These are the facts:

While it is true that 76% of voters voted to ban the freedom to marry in 2005, we must remember that that’s only 76% of the 17.97% of registered voters that even bothered to show up to vote. That is not a majority of Texans. It’s not even a majority of voters, but a minority of registered voters who bothered to show up and register their opinion in a special election.

That 76% certainly did not take into consideration the over 17,440 Texas children who are being raised by two moms or two dads, and they certainly were not protecting those families.

According to a 2013 Equality Texas Poll, 52% of Texas voters support the freedom to marry.

the fact is that the majority of Texans support the freedom to marry.

We call upon the governor to recant his statements against the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) community and to do the job he was elected to do which is to represent and protect ALL Texans, including those who happen to be lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender. 

Please sign the petition which will be printed out and hand delivered to the governor


GetEQUAL Texas is a state-based chapter of GetEQUAL, based in Texas and fighting for full equality for LGBT Texans. You can follow GetEQUAL Texas on Facebook at  or on Twitter at .


Founded in 2010, GetEQUAL is a national grassroots organization whose mission is to empower the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) community and our allies to take bold action to demand full legal and social equality, and to hold accountable those who stand in the way. For more information go to You can also follow GetEQUAL on Facebook at  or on Twitter at .


Texans Urge Perry to support LGBT Equality!

March 29, 2013 · Posted in Newsletters · Comments Off 

On March 26, 2013, Texas Governor Rick Perry attended a rally at the Capitol for “Faith and Families”. While it would seem that “Faith and Families” are true Texas values, the underlying issue is that both Perry and the attendees of this rally only believe that one specific faith and specific family construct are valid.

Perry gave a speech at the rally in which he said, "the people of the state of Texas, myself included, believe that marriage is between one man and one woman"

We believe that the governor is also a citizen and entitled to hold and express his own opinion however, he is not entitled to make up his own facts. 

These are the facts:

While it is true that 76% of voters voted to ban the freedom to marry in 2005, we must remember that that’s only 76% of the 17.97% of registered voters that even bothered to show up to vote. That is not a majority of Texans. It’s not even a majority of voters, but a minority of registered voters who bothered to show up and register their opinion in a special election.

That 76% certainly did not take into consideration the over 17,440 Texas children who are being raised by two moms or two dads, and they certainly were not protecting those families.

According to a 2013 Equality Texas Poll, 52% of Texas voters support the freedom to marry.

the fact is that the majority of Texans support the freedom to marry.

We call upon the governor to recant his statements against the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) community and to do the job he was elected to do which is to represent and protect ALL Texans, including those who happen to be lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender. 

Please sign the petition which will be printed out and hand delivered to the governor


GetEQUAL Texas is a state-based chapter of GetEQUAL, based in Texas and fighting for full equality for LGBT Texans. You can follow GetEQUAL Texas on Facebook at  or on Twitter at .


Founded in 2010, GetEQUAL is a national grassroots organization whose mission is to empower the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) community and our allies to take bold action to demand full legal and social equality, and to hold accountable those who stand in the way. For more information go to You can also follow GetEQUAL on Facebook at  or on Twitter at .